Purely Meribel News

The latest news from Meribel and the 3 Valleys.

Snow in the Forecast for this week!


Snowfalls are due over this coming week with a moderate fall due at altitude on Wednesday and then a heavier fall from Friday down to a lower level. A very welcome freshen up for the 3 Valleys giving some great late season conditions. [Click for more]

RN90 Road to French Ski Resorts Re-Opens


The RN90 that leads to many ski resorts in the Tarantaise was hit by a rock slide last weekend causing damage and travel chaos. The clear up work is now complete and the road opens just as the French half term holidays begin. The dual carriageway has re-opened all lanes in both directions af[Click for more]

Update on the RN90 road Landslide


It is hoped that the RN 90 major road leading to ski resorts in the Alps is to reopen by Saturday February 8th after a landslide blocked the road last weekend however the exact situation remains a little uncertain. In a press conference, the mayor of Savoie, François Ravier, anno[Click for more]

Delays on the main road to the 3 Valleys due to Landslide


There has been a landslide on the main road (RN90) leading to the Tarentaise ski resorts which is affecting access to Val Thorens, Meribel, La Plagne, Les Arcs, Tignes and Val d’Isere. Three huge rocks fell from a cliff onto the road near Aigueblanche at around 10.30 am on Saturday 1st[Click for more]

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  • Snow in the Forecast for this week!

    Snowfalls are due over this coming week with a moderate fall due at altitude on Wednesday and then a heavier fall from Friday down to a lower level. A very welcome freshen up for the 3 Valleys givi... read more
