Get Fit For Skiing

Endurance, strength and flexibility are major factors in your fitness when going on a ski or snowboard holiday.

The more training you put in the less chance you have of injury. Your skiing and boarding is better when a person is fit and you will bounce back better in the mornings after a full day on the slopes.

Aim for 20 minutes to an hour of aerobic activity at least three times a week for at least 6 weeks before your holiday.

Cycling is a favourite of the world class skiers to get fit as it minimises the impact on the knees, builds leg strength and cardio.

Cross trainers and swimming are also good ways to build yourself up. Swimming really helps with upper body strength.

Running is a favourite of many but be aware that over training can damage your knees which is no good for skiing.

Be like Chemmy and do lunges to build up your leg strength. Yoga and Pilates are also perfect for strengthening your inner core.

Before skiing and at the end of the day remember to stretch out. It is important to stretch out your leg muscles at the end of the day to avoid stiffness. Use the hot tub and sauna if there is one in your chalet or hotel. It really makes a difference!

Have a look at the Daily Telegraph fit for skiing page for specific ski fit exercises. Remember to get out on your bike and do the lunges!

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