Purely Meribel News

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New Road Safety measures in France


New Road Safety measures in France brought in during the Summer!
In a move to cut down the number of accidents and deaths on the roads in France, the government released a new set of road safety measures, which took effect from the 1st July.

No eating, applying make-up or listening to loud music - Headphones banned - It is now illegal to drive with any form of headsets (earphones or headphones) in a car or on a motorbike.

No Smoking with children on board - It is now forbidden to smoke with children under 12 years in your car.

Fines for illegally parked cars will increase.

Lower speed limits - On certain roads deemed to be accident prone, the speed limit will be decreased from 90 kmh to 80 kmh. The N7 in the Drôme (18km between Valencia and Crozes-Hermitage), the RN57 in Haute-Saône (14 km in Vesoul Rioz) and the RN151 in the Yonne and Nièvre (32 km and 17 km between Auxerre and Varzy).

Zero alcohol for young drivers -Drivers with a probationary license are not allowed to drink and drive.

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